Our other sources of finance come from the sale of material and support from foundations, parishes and other institutional funds, particularly the Geneva Federation for Cooperation and Development (FGC), the Vaud Federation for Cooperation (Fedevaco), the GlobalLokal Foundation, the Lucerne Catholic Parish and the Berne Reformist Parish. Public funds cover less than 5% of our total income and are only used for occasional specific projects.

In principle, Public Eye does not accept any donation or any other form of benefit from private individuals, companies or institutions that could hamper its independence or its ethical credibility. In particular, it accepts no donation or advantage in kind from companies, or associations of companies, that are related to the critical analyses it makes of companies in any of the multiple fields it operates in.
For further information, please read our Regulation on donations (in French or German ).
Public Eye is an organisation that is certified by Zewo as being of public interest. This Zewo seal guarantees that your donation will be used in line with Public Eye's goals, in an efficient and effective manner. It also acts as a guarantee of transparent internal and external communications in the actions performed by the association, as well as its financial management. Public Eye is regularly audited by Zewo. The certification was renewed in 2021.
Public eye's profit and loss account, published each year in its activity report (available in French or German), complies with the recommendations for the presentation of accounts for Swiss accounting and reporting regulation SWISS GAAP RPC 21 for not-for-profit social organisations serving a public purpose. The presentation of the association's financial results shows a true and fair view of the association's financial situation. It thus conforms to regulations required for ZEWO certification. Download the review body's 2023 report here (available in French or German).