Berne Declaration becomes Public Eye
Berne/Zurich/Lausanne, 21. May 2016

Around 150 Berne Declaration members were in Berne on Saturday, where they democratically agreed to amend the organisation's statutes to rename it "Public Eye". Close to 90% ratified the proposal made by the organisation's Governing Board. This new name extends beyond Switzerland's borders and will help reduce linguistic barriers. In addition the name will lend further support to the central aims of this development NGO that was founded in 1968, which are to publicly denounce injustices and act in Switzerland to foster the respect of human rights around the world. The association's official name, "Public Eye – based on the Berne Declaration", maintains the link with its origins and underlines the desire to remain loyal to the vision of its founders. Finally, while the organisation's name is changing, the values that it defends through its research, campaigns and advocacy remain very much the same. The name change is due to be implemented in mid-September 2016.
For more information, please contact:
Géraldine Viret, media relations, +41 (0)21 620 03 05,