Highly hazardous pesticides

Brazil, China and Argentina alone account for about 40% of all volumes used in 2017. This reflects the large expansion of the agricultural area that has occurred in many LMICs and the transformation of agriculture as a result of the “Green revolution” and trade liberalization policies. Baskut Tuncak, UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and toxics:
“This massive use of highly hazardous pesticides in LMICs is tragically a case of exploitation, a false narrative of development that is a far cry from anything sustainable”
Pesticides are poisons, designed to kill living organisms such as pests and weeds. The barriers between those organisms and humans, however, are by no means impermeable. Farmers and agricultural workers are at higher risk because of their direct and repeated exposure to pesticides. People living close to agricultural lands and plantations also face toxic exposure as pesticides are often used close to their homes, schools or workplaces. The wider population is exposed every day through pesticide residues in food, drinking water, air, rain and dust. In short, no one is untouched by pesticide exposure.
What are the consequences? Public Eye investigated this toxic, but very lucrative business for several months.