Our demand – A living wage for all!

Demands to the textile industry
- Publicly commit to paying a living wage, and establish a pay scale as well as an implementation plan.
- Guarantee that all the workers throughout the supply chain at global level are paid enough to be able to live (net, excluding overtime or bonuses). In Asia, salaries should at the very least correspond to the amounts established by the Asia Floor Wage Alliance. In Eastern Europe and Turkey companies should take immediate first steps and ensure that pay corresponds to at least 60% of the national average wage. The second stage should be to increase the basic net salaries so that they reach the level of a living wage.
- Adapt procurement practice to enable a living wage to be paid.
- Recognise and promote freedom of association and the right to unionise and demand the respect of these rights throughout the supply chain.
- Cooperate with other companies, unions and NGOs to implement a living wage.

Demands to governments
- Increase the minimum legal wage to a level that would allow workers to live. In Asia, the legal minimum wage should at the very least correspond to the amounts laid down by the Asia Floor Wage Alliance. In Eastern Europe and Turkey, the governments should take immediate first steps to ensure that pay is at least 60% of the average national wage. The second stage will consist of increasing the legal minimum wage so that it is equivalent to the living wage.
- Governments of the countries where companies are domiciled should ensure that they take responsibility throughout the supply chain, respect local legislation as well as human and workers’ rights, and that they commit to implement the living wage.
- The governments in the countries where the clothes and shoes are made should guarantee that they respect local labour legislation and human rights (thanks to strict legislation, important controls, and the option of sanctions if there should be violations).