Open letter from NGOs to trade ministers of developing countries in Doha

Die in Doha anwesenden NGOs haben sich am 13.11.2001 in einem offenen Brief klar auf die Seite der Entwicklungsländer gestellt. Sie kritisieren die undurchsichtige Verhandlungsführung und den immensen Druck, der von grossen Handelsmächten auf die Länder des Südens ausgeübt wird. Im Einklang mit Entwicklungsländern fordern NGOs substantielle Änderungen am bestehenden Vertragswerk und den Verzicht auf eine neue Handelsrunde:

We the undersigned civil society groups, are encouraged by the firm stand taken by African trade ministers, LDC trade ministers and other developing country trade ministers, in particular India, in relation to the proposed "New Round" of WTO talks.

Civil society groups around the world support the positions taken by the Africa group, LMG, LDC group and others in resisting the inclusion of 'new issues', in particular Singapore issues, in the next round of negotiations. We also support the demand for concrete steps on implementation, which we believe will contribute to sustainable development and poverty eradication.We are very concerned about the non-transparent and exclusive process leading up to the Doha Ministerial and about the manner in which negotiations in Doha will be conducted. We urge developing country ministers to seek assurance from the Chair that they will be fully nvolved and consulted at all stages.We are aware of the immense pressure being exerted on your countries by the powerful trading nations and the threats relating to aid, debt relief and being branded the deal breakers responsible for furthering the global recession.We applaud your determination to ensure that trade rules benefit the world's poor and commit ourselves to doing whatever possible to influence governments to redress the deep inequalities in the trading system. If the talks fail, we believe that the political responsibility will lie with the industrialised countries that have repeatedly refused to accommodate your countries' concerns.Civil society groups share many of your concerns regarding the impact of trade rules on poverty and sustainable development. This letter is an expression of our support, and an assurance that we will continue to campaign vigorously to try to influence governments in support of your positions. Those of us present in Doha will be happy to discuss other means of forwarding our joint interests.

ActionAid Ireland

ActionAid UK

ActionAid USA

Action for Southern Africa

Action for Economic Reforms

Azione Aiuto

Berne Declaration


Center for Human Rights and Environment Argentina

Christian Aid



Fairtrade Foundation

Friends of the Earth International

Focus on the Global South

Food First-Institute for Food and Development Policy, USA

Forum Syd

Gaia Foundation


Greenpeace Brazil

Greenpeace France

Greenpeace International


International Federation for Alternative Trade

Manos Unidas

National Federation of Women's Institutes

Noor, Pakistan


Pressure Point, US

Quakers United Nations Office

Save the Children




Sustainable Development Policy Institute

Sungi Development Foundation

Traidcraft Exchange



Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (UK)

World Development Movement


World Rural Forum-Asia, India